Packaging Data Sheet (PDS) Guidance 

​​​​​​​​​Packaging Data Sheet (PDS) Guidance will review critical regulations around the packaging world.  This includes safety as well as legal requirements and it will be the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that these critical issues are included in the design or the packaging and the selection of the materials.  Review this section carefully and review the training that Cummins has created to help you meet these requirements.​

Cummins introduced a new and improved packaging supplier portal on 29 January 2024 where suppliers can sign up and submit PDS (Packaging Data Sheet) for review.  This replaces the previous MS Excel submission process which was decommissioned on 11 February 2024.

Create a user account in the Packaging Supplier portal to submit Packaging Specs.

Training Documents: You can use the below-provided training video tutorials or PPT files to submit Pack Specs.

Sl. NoPDMS Supplier Portal Training Videos
1PDMS Supplier Portal - Introduction
2How to submit PackSpec for Expendable Packaging
3How to submit PackSpec for Cummins Owned - Standard Returnables
4How to submit PackSpec for Cummins Owned - Customized Returnable
5How to submit PackSpec for Supplier Owned - Returnable
6How to submit PackSpec for Leased - Returnable
7How to address PackSpec which is REJECTED
8How to address PackSpec which is Conditionally Approved
9How to revise or update Part information
10How to revise or update any specification (Primary_PCR_Dunnage) information​​​​
11How to update - ISPM - 15 and Wood Certification details for Pallet/Unit load
12CSE Suppliers - How to add additional locations and Pack spec submission process